Technology, Hardware & Security Solution Provider


Toucan’s Cable – News & Helpful Information

Getac rugged laptop V110 model

Why We Sell the Getac Rugged Laptop

If you’re in public safety, construction or the military, you know that there are many brands of rugged laptops. However, when we have a client who requires a durable machine, we only recommend the Getac rugged laptop. And, in most cases we suggest...
FTC compliant with technology

Is Your Business Impacted by the New FTC Safeguards?

Are you a financial institution according to the FTC? A financial institution “means any institution the business of which is engaging in an activity that is financial in nature or incidental to such financial activities as described in section...
your elevator phones may need to be replaced

Are Your Elevator Phones Working?

It’s unlikely that you actually test your elevator phones. During the annual inspection, however, they are part of the re-certification. In fact, the number one reason for QEI inspection failure (according to Champion Elevator) is phone connection...
even software as a solution data needs bakcup

Is Your SaaS Data Backed Up?

Before the internet, we communicated in person, on the phone or through paper memos passed from one person to review and approve to another. Information may have occasionally been misplaced, but rarely lost or stolen. Today there are many solutions...
cybersecurity audit

Why Perform a Cybersecurity Audit

Whether you have an IT person on staff, a friend helps you with your technology or you work with a managed service provider, if you’ve never had a cybersecurity audit, you should schedule one. Even better, you should consider having an managed...
network redundancy

The Importance of Redundancy

No matter what type of business you have, chances are good that some of your business is online. Whether you sell online, use electronic bookkeeping and invoicing or just communicate with customers through email, your network, computers and data...
washington township chooses Toucan as its IT Provider

We’re Now the IT Provider for Washington Township

It’s been a month since we stepped in as Washington Township’s IT provider. If you’re a resident or a local business, that means that we’re helping you. It’s our goal to ensure that communications and technology between the township facilities and...
IT downtime cost

The Real Cost of IT Downtime

In today’s world, your business needs power, internet, functioning computers, Wi-Fi and to some extent, telephone communication. Without any one of those, your business suffers. Some businesses choose to have a generator for emergency power but...
data security from Brownsburg managed service provider

Best Practices for Strong Data Security

Security of your business’s data is key to your operations. Just because you’re not protecting national security doesn’t mean your business’s data security isn’t as important as anyone else’s. In fact, if your business data is compromised, it could...

Our Custom Services

Providing Solutions for Municipalities, Emergency Services,

Non-Profits & Small Businesses

We understand ever-shrinking budgets, technology and law changes and how they impact the emergency services sector as well as municipalities in general. Let Toucan Technology Group help you with your hardware, software & security needs.

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