Whether you have an IT person on staff, a friend helps you with your technology or you work with a managed service provider, if you’ve never had a cybersecurity audit, you should schedule one. Even better, you should consider having an managed services provider (MSP) do it for you as they may see something that the person or persons who handles your IT would not see.

An Audit Identifies Potential Vulnerabilities

Cybercriminals get more sophisticated by the day. Something that worked to keep them out a year or even six months ago may not today. When an MSP or cybersecurity specialist looks at your network, they can identify those areas where your business is most at risk. Some of the easier fixes include:

  • Updating a software program to the latest version.
  • Mandating more complex passwords.
  • Setting up a guest network alongside your staff network.
  • Increasing the frequency of your data backup schedule.

Sometimes fixing vulnerabilities require something more like using new tools or installing new hardware.

Your Team Can Learn

Whether your team is your own IT staff or you outsource your technology services, a cybersecurity audit can teach you and your team about new threats and ways they can protect themselves and your business from cybercriminals. Part of an audit is sharing results and highlighting vulnerabilities. Your MSP can also remind staff that they can help prevent a breach by following your company’s IT policies. If you are planning on hiring an MSP to perform a cybersecurity audit, be sure to ask them to include staff training once they finish their audit.

Have a Process in the Event You Experience a Breech

An audit helps you know what plans you have in the event you are hacked or end up with malware, ransomware or a virus. You will also be able to evaluate if the whether those plans are sufficient for your business today. Just as those cybercriminals become more advanced, so does your business. You may need a new plan in the event the worst happens.

Toucan Technology Group Can Help

Whether you choose to utilize more of Toucan Technology Group’s services or just hire us to perform a cybersecurity audit for your business, we’re ready to help. It’s important that you protect not only your business data but your customer’s data from cybercriminals. Call us today at (317) 376-4874 or fill out our contact form to schedule your cybersecurity audit or learn more about any of our other services.

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