In this day and age, every business needs someone who has technical expertise to help with hardware, software and other technology. Some businesses utilize technology heavily so it makes sense for them to have not just an IT person, but a team on staff. Others are too small to afford even one full time person, in cases like those, they utilize a managed service provider. However, there is a third type of business that utilizes co-managed IT services. They hire a managed service provider (MSP) for some of their needs but have an in-house team member for other things.

How Co-Managed IT Services Benefit Businesses

Co-managed IT services offer many benefits. The biggest for most businesses is cost savings. Because most MSPs offer their services based on a company’s need, you only hire them for what your in-house person or team can’t do effectively. If the MSP you choose also provides hardware, you may benefit from their purchasing power even when you only need a few new laptops.

Another benefit is that of redundancy. This is especially true if you only have one IT person on staff. If they’re sick, on vacation or quit, who can you turn to in an emergency? When you have co-managed IT services, your MSP can take over without your business suffering.

One surprising benefit is that your MSP and IT team member can get more done efficiently together than your IT team can do alone. Sometimes an MSP has a solution that your staff member didn’t know about.

Toucan Technology Group Offers Free Consultations

We’re happy to meet with your and your IT team and discuss how co-managed IT services might benefit your business. Whether you want to hire us as a backup provider or if you have specific tasks your team can’t handle, let us know. Because Toucan Technology Group is a locally owned and operated managed service provider, we offer completely custom packages. Call (317) 376-4874 or fill out our contact form today for your free consultation.

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