Every business has different WiFi needs. Some companies need WiFi for not only computers, but also equipment. And, of course, buildings differ. That makes WiFi system design both an art and science. Plugging in a router or signal booster isn’t enough to make your wireless internet work for everyone when they need it where they need it.

Coverage & Capacity

There are two main elements of any wireless system, coverage and capacity. Great WiFi coverage means wherever you are in your facility, you have a good enough signal to do what you need to do. It also means you can walk throughout the building without dead spots or dropping off the network temporarily. Capacity means everyone and every machine that needs to be on the network at any given time can be on it and do what they need to do. This shouldn’t be an either-or proposition. With professional WiFi system design you can have both.

How Can Your Business Have Both Great Coverage & Necessary Capacity?

First, you and your network designer should have a conversation to discuss capacity needs. Remember, your capacity is more than just the people who work at your business. It also may include printers, equipment, phones and more. If you have others such as vendors, clients and customers, who utilize your network, it also may include their devices (even if you have them on a separate guest network).

Next, the network designer will walk your facility. A professional will have a tool that evaluates radio frequency fundamentals within the space across all network bands. Ekahau is one of the many tools that IT professionals use to help with predictive design. With all the information you provided as well as the site survey, your network design professional will work to create a plan for a network that works for your business.

Toucan Technology Group is ECSE Certified

As managed service provider, we have the training and technology to provide you with an efficient and cost effective WiFi system design. Of course, we also offer the necessary equipment to build out your network. However, in some cases, our clients don’t need much in the way of new equipment, simply proper configuration and/or relocation, all of which we offer. Call us today to learn more about how we can create a WiFi network that keeps your team working effectively no matter where they are in your facility. Reach us at (317) 376-4874 or fill out our contact form.

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