Over the past month we’ve seen many changes in how we do business. As much as Toucan Technology Group believes in working on site to solve many technology related problems, that’s not ideal right now. We’ve helped countless companies convert to work from home through today’s technology. If you’re trying to keep your business running during the stay in place orders and beyond, we have solutions for you.

Office 365

Our customers who were already using Office 365 had little trouble converting their business. Because documents are stored in the cloud, there was no need to be on site using a server. If your critical business data is stored on desktops in your facility or in an onsite server, we can transition your business data to the cloud securely.

There’s no need to be concerned that some staff will have access to documents that you don’t want them to see with Office 365. We can set permissions by folder and only those with proper credentials will be able to access them. And, if one of your team becomes sick and unable to work, their data can be accessed by whomever you want to have permission to see to best support your customers.

Technology Troubleshooting

No matter where we are or how we’re working these days computers don’t always cooperate. If one of your staff has a technology issue, either in the office or when they work from home, we can help as long as they have internet and email access on that machine. We’ll simply send a link to their email that grants us permission to see their computer and work to find the issue. Our tools allow us to be in their computer without being in their home which will allow them to get back to work sooner.

Communication Solutions

We know that there are many challenges when staff isn’t all in the same location. We have many ways to solve various communication issues. Most companies are using Zoom for conference calls which isn’t highly secure but because it’s free, it’s an easy way to communicate. We can help you with secure solutions for video and audio conferencing as your staff has to work from home. If you need a better telephony solution than what your office has, we can help with that too.

Toucan Technology Group is here to help you with whatever technology challenges you’re working to overcome with your business. And, when things go back to normal, we can evaluate and assist with your office network, telephone system, software and everything else. Call us today at (317) 376-4874 or fill out our contact form and we’ll reach out to you.

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