by Beth Vriesman | May 1, 2019 | Data Protection, Industry News, IT Outsourcing, Network, Special Events, The TOucan’s Cable, Wi-Fi |
Did you even know there was such a thing as World Password Day? We didn’t until this year, but we do know about these many scary statistics regarding passwords. So, in an attempt to help everyone, individuals and business owners alike, we beg you to think about the...
by Beth Vriesman | Mar 29, 2019 | Data Protection, Industry News, IT Outsourcing, Network, Special Events, The TOucan’s Cable |
Did you even know there was such a thing? It’s celebrated on March 31 in an attempt to save us from being our own April fool. Don’t say “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I’ll contact a service to help as soon as I get a chance,” call Toucan Technology Group for your free...
by Beth Vriesman | Mar 19, 2019 | IT Outsourcing, Network, The TOucan’s Cable |
Small businesses move more often than large ones, usually due to growth. With every move, there are logistics you need to plan, well in advance of your move. One the first things you should do when you secure your new location is talk to your IT staff member or...
by Beth Vriesman | Feb 28, 2019 | Data Protection, Industry News, IT Outsourcing, Network, The TOucan’s Cable |
If you could predict the future, you’d know which employee to hire to fill a vacancy, how much to invest into your latest product, and what to focus on with your business. Well, in one aspect you can predict the future. Your business is more likely than not to be...
by Beth Vriesman | Dec 18, 2018 | Data Protection, Industry News, IT Outsourcing, Network, The TOucan’s Cable |
As we rely more heavily on technology in our daily lives, we’re more prone to things going wrong. As you adopt more online applications and software programs, you open your business to more security threats. Rarely do network security features keep up with the...
by Beth Vriesman | Nov 29, 2018 | IT Outsourcing, Network, The TOucan’s Cable |
We work with many small businesses and some have employees with both PCs and Macs. Many of the Mac users think they don’t have to follow company IT policies and standards because they mistakenly believe that Mac computers are impervious to viruses or hacking. This...