by Beth Vriesman | Sep 8, 2022 | Data Backup, Data Protection, IT Outsourcing, Managed Service Provider, Network, Show Features, The TOucan’s Cable, VOIP, Wi-Fi |
In today’s world, your business needs power, internet, functioning computers, Wi-Fi and to some extent, telephone communication. Without any one of those, your business suffers. Some businesses choose to have a generator for emergency power but lack a plan when their...
by Beth Vriesman | Aug 18, 2022 | Data Protection, IT Outsourcing, Managed Service Provider, Network, Software, The TOucan’s Cable, VOIP, Wi-Fi |
Whether your small business is just a few people or you have a growing team spread out across Indianapolis, the state or country, you need professional small business IT support. The best way to do this is with the help of a managed service provider, also known as an...
by Beth Vriesman | Aug 9, 2022 | Network, Wi-Fi |
More than ever before businesses choose laptops for their staff rather than desktop computers. And, although many office buildings still have ethernet, not everyone always uses that connection for their internet. That means more often than not, your staff uses...
by Beth Vriesman | Jul 22, 2022 | Network, The TOucan’s Cable, Wi-Fi |
There are many reasons for slow office wi-fi. If you’ve already spoken with your internet provider and they insist you have sufficient bandwidth and there’s nothing wrong with their equipment, it may be the setup in your facility. Some issues stem from the type or age...
by Beth Vriesman | Jul 5, 2022 | The TOucan’s Cable |
All travel comes with risk. However, data security while traveling isn’t often considered before personal or business travel. And, cyber crime is more prevalent on public networks. As a managed service company, we know that data security while traveling isn’t...