If you’re a small business and haven’t updated your phone system in the past 15 years, it’s likely that it will soon stop working. As Verizon and the other local exchange carriers (LECs) decommission the copper phone lines, many businesses are finding that their phones suddenly don’t work. Older key systems that aren’t using voice over internet protocol (VOIP) will become nothing more than an internal intercom system when the lines running to it are shut down.

How to Tell if You Are Using VIOP or Traditional Lines

One way is to check with your phone system provider. They can let you know what you have and if it will work going forward. If you don’t know who installed your phone system or don’t wish to contact them for any reason, look at your phone bill. Another sign you have an analog key system is if you are being billed for separate incoming lines. In fact, if you see analog on any part of your bill, that’s a big sign that you’re soon going to have to replace your phone system.

There is Good News…

Most businesses find that when they switch over to a VOIP phone system, they save money. Most can utilize their existing internet bandwidth. New VOIP phone systems have more options and better features than older phone systems. A few examples include the ability to forward calls to remote workers, voice to text voicemail, group ringing and voicemail, and direct inward dial (DID) which removes voicemail trees and the needs for a full-time dedicated receptionist, as well as other features.

Wireless Phones Aren’t Always the Answer

Some businesses, when faced with losing the use of the phone system with the copper line decide to utilize cell phones. However, rarely is that the best answer. You lose the ability to have real inter office communication. You also lose your fax machine and any devices that work on a traditional phone line. Plus, the cost of issuing a cell phone to every staff member can end up costing more than a new VOIP phone system.

Toucan Technology Group Offers VOIP Phone Systems

We’ve partnered with Fortinet® and are installing Fortivoice™ Enterprise Phone Systems in businesses throughout Indianapolis. Not only are their system feature rich, but they also end up costing less than traditional systems in many cases. Their systems work for any size business. If you’re interested in a free quote for a new VOIP phone system, call Toucan Technology Group today at (317) 376-4874 or fill out our contact form. We also have elevator solutions as most elevator emergency call buttons are run on copper lines so ask about those too if you have an elevator in your building.

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