Unlike decades ago where data lived on individual machines, today’s data is more widespread. Some may be on laptops and tablets, other data could be on a local server while other lives in data centers, the cloud and in SaaS programs. A unified backup solution backs up your data wherever it is in one place. And, a good one does so with the highest level of security in an easy to manage platform.

Data Loss by the Numbers

According to Kaseya, a leader in data storage and security, every 11 seconds a business is hit by a ransomware attack. Business who use multiple and varied backup methods require significantly more time to recover that data (about 27% more) than those who utilize a unified backup solution. Sadly, it’s not uncommon for an SMB to use three or more backup solutions. This is not the most cost efficient or thorough solution. Like cybersecurity solutions, more is rarely better. One in five small businesses shut down permanently when hit by a ransomware attack. On average the data loss costs them $8,500 per hour of downtime. According to Cybercrime Magazine the cost to businesses around the world next year will reach $10.5 trillion dollars.

What to Look for in a Unified Backup Solution

Whether you are the business owner looking for a unified backup solution or you’re an IT person putting together proposals for the owner, you should have the same goals; to find an affordable solution that will securely store all your data. Here are a few things to look for as you begin your research:

  • A solution that can securely store data no matter where it originates – a computer, data center, the cloud, a local server or in your SaaS applications.
  • The solution should be secure not only from cybercriminals but from employees. This is why Google Drive is not a true unified backup solution – staff can accidentally delete files.
  • Simple and timely recovery whether it’s one machine or your entire database.
  • Data backup should be ongoing and automatic.

Kaseya & Toucan Technology Group Offers Unified Backup Solutions

Toucan Technology Group, Indianapolis’s leading small business managed service provider has partnered with Kaseya to offer unified backup solutions for SMBs. With Kaseya’s Unified Backup Solutions, you have peace of mind that your data is secure and available should you become a victim of spilled coffee on a laptop or a systemwide cyberattack. Call TTG today to schedule your free demo and learn more about how we can help protect your business’s online data – (317) 376-4874. You can also fill out our online contact form and we’ll call you.

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