Although Google provides many services to individuals and businesses alike, one area they don’t venture into is secure data storage. You may think that because you’re paying for Google Workspace, rather than using a free account, that your data is secure. Depending on your business, you may actually be violating privacy laws by utilizing Google Workspace. And not matter what your business, you can’t 100% rely on your data being there if the only copy is in Google’s servers.

Google Workspace Has Pros

If you’re a sole proprietorship with just one email address, you might be a good candidate for Google Workspace. Assuming that you don’t email or store credit card data or anything that can be considered private information. It is also a good solution for businesses who have several employees who need access to a single email address or a shared calendar. However, there’s still not guarantee that your data will be there when you need it.

Reasons Google Workspace Isn’t Always a Good Solution

When you utilize Google for your data storage, understand that it isn’t private. That should be enough of a reason to consider a truly secure data storage solution. However, if it isn’t, here are more reasons.

  • Employee error by a Google employee. – If a Google employee releases data to the wrong company (which has happened) your business is at risk.
  • Your employee’s error. – If your team member accidentally grants the wrong permissions on a file, there could be security issues.
  • Google holds the encryption key to your files. – That means they or their AI/bots can read all your data at any time.
  • Google’s Terms & Conditions can change at any time. – This means that they could restrict access to a file that now breaches their policies.

There Are Better Solutions

Utilizing a domain-based email hosted either by an email hosting service with encryptions is one solution for email that is more secure than a Google hosted email. As for data backup, there are countless companies that backup data – both data in the cloud and that which is stored locally on desktop and laptops that is more secure than Google (or Dropbox). Solutions from Kaseya/Datto offer services that not only securely backup your data but also monitor it for malware and viruses. Many solutions they offer also comply to various privacy laws applicable to the medical and banking industries (among other industries).

Toucan Technology Group Offers Secure Data Storage

If you need secure data storage and/or data backup solutions, call Toucan Technology Group for a free consultation. We can help you find a solution that meets any industry regulations and the needs of your business. Call us at (317) 376-4874 or fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation.

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