The increase in cybersecurity attacks in the past five years has been astronomical. In fact, according to the latest data, it’s estimated that about 75% of SMB have already or will experience a cyber related business disruption in the next three years. And, if your business lacks effective cybersecurity solutions it could cost you close to $1 million to restore your business back to normal operations.

More Isn’t Always Better

Some businesses buy multiple tools in the hopes that their network and data are protected. Other businesses hope that their IT person has done their research and invested in the right cybersecurity solutions. If your business has bought multiple tools that aren’t part of a security suite to ensure that you are completely protected, you could be wasting money on multiple products that do the same thing leaving vast holes in your network’s security.

Why So Many Networks Are Attacked Each Year

First, many small and medium sized businesses think that they aren’t targets. Second, business owners tend to think that they can’t afford to pay for quality cybersecurity solutions. There are also those who don’t know how to properly utilize the tools they have. Finally, the sheer number of devices we connect to our networks today leaves us vulnerable. Every time you connect a new device to your network, you’re adding another point through which a cyber attack can occur. Especially when those devices aren’t under your control (think computers and tables of visitors, vendors and guests as well as staff phones and other devices.)

Find Proven Cybersecurity Solutions

Talk to your IT person or managed service provider. They have access to and know what products can best protect networks today. One of the most effective and affordable options is Kaseya’s Security Suite. It not only provides protection against cyberattacks, but also has detection and response tools. And, because their suite is from one provider, you know you’re not paying for duplicate services while maximizing efficiency.

Toucan Technology Group Offers Kaseya’s Security Suite

Let the Toucan Technology Group team provide you with a free demo of the cybersecurity solutions they offer from Kaseya. Whether you’re looking for protection from phishing, ransomware, or have requirements by your industry that you must safeguard client confidentiality, we can help. Of course, as a managed service provider, we also offer many other business solutions for SMBs. Call us today at (317) 376-4874 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation and demo.

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