Whether you’re a small or large business or somewhere in between, cybersecurity should be important to you. As a managed service provider (MSP) one of our main services is data and network security. We understand that you have questions so here are some of the common cybersecurity FAQs and their answers.
How Much Will Cybersecurity Cost My Business?
Perhaps the better question is, “How much will a breach cost my business?” A hack or malware attack could cost your business everything you have. We explain that as an MSP that most customers spend about 5% of their annual IT budget on cybersecurity. It can be more depending on your industry and its requirements as well as the size of your business.
What Types of Cyber-Attacks Does Cybersecurity Prevent?
The goal of cybersecurity is to prevent all types of attacks. Some of the most common types of attacks include planting of malware, phishing, ransomware, Trojan horses, and password/keystroke stealing or attacks. Of course, there are always new scams and methods of attack created. The extent of damage to your network or finances differs but all impact every size business.
If I Hire You to Handle My Cybersecurity System, Do I Still Need Cyber Insurance?
Some industries require you carry cyber insurance. When you have an MSP providing you with a secure network, you will have a lower premium. You may also require a lower amount. However, no level of cybersecurity can prevent every attack and insurance protects you and your clients from financial loss. So yes, we still recommend having cyber insurance.
What Type of Business Is Most at Risk of an Attack?
This is one of the cybersecurity FAQs that almost every business asks us in one form or another. Because large businesses, banks and other companies with sensitive information spend a lot of money on their security and its infrastructure, hackers often ignore them as targets. However, because so many small businesses have little more than antivirus software for their cybersecurity, they are easier targets. They may not provide high returns for the hackers, but there’s less time invested. Overall, small to medium sized businesses are the most common target today.
Do You Need an MSP to Manage Your Cybersecurity?
Toucan Technology Group is an Indianapolis based MSP offering cybersecurity and more. If you aren’t working with an MSP for your IT needs, including cybersecurity, call us for your free, no obligation consultation today – (317) 376-4874 or you can fill out our contact form. Of course, if we haven’t answered your cybersecurity questions, either check out part 2 of our series of cybersecuity FAQs or ask during your consultation.